For Individuals and Families

A comprehensive financial plan includes more than just an investment strategy. It is a six-legged stool that includes the following:
Financial Health- -Is your balance sheet as healthy as it could be and are the monies moving in and out of your world doing so in the most efficient way possible?
Investments-Are your investments appropriately positioned with regard to risk, throughout your life-time? Are you fully aware of the costs of your investments? Are your investments amply diversified? One size does not fit all. Your investment portfolios should be coordinated with your other assets.
Risk Management-Are you and your loved ones protected against life’s curve balls?
Retirement-Are you on track for an abundant and long retirement? Have you reviewed your social security and medicare options, your ability to fund chronic care needs, and have you implemented strategies to ensure you don't outlive your money?
Taxes-Are you incorporating the optimal tax strategies and efficiencies that will add to your wealth building and preservation?*
Estate and Legacy-Are your estate planning documents up to date and do they align with your intentions and optimize your estate preservation?
If relevant,
Special Needs Planning
Educational Funding
*we work in collaboration with your tax advisors and do not give tax advice per se